PASTOR Ron, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA has a gift. As he exercises this particular gift (take note that I have no problem to believe that we all can have more than one gift for the cause of effectively serving in and for the Body of Christ- I am only here referring to one in particular), I have found there to be a lesson in What, Where, and How he administers this gift.
HERE we can all see the key word- 'Minister'. As I look up the definition of this word do I find not one but two definitions of what a 'Minister' is. The first definition is to proclaim a role of leadership. However it is the second definition that, to me, states the identity of a true leader. It reads: 'To give aid or service'- This, brothers and sisters is the 'What'.
GO out and see 'What' are the needs of the people the Lord has brought you to minister to....And do it. Here we have the 'Where'. We cannot possibly serve all the world at the same time, as individuals. If we work together and are diligent to be in the Word of GOD daily- Not forgetting to apply what the Holy Spirit has to tell us from His word, will we put ourselves in the position to see 'What' the Spirit of GOD is doing and 'Where'. This can be anywhere, from in your home, or even to the other side of the world. The work of the Spirit can only be seen and done by the children of GOD- John 1:12 Tells us 'But as many as received him, to them gave he power (the privilege; the force; the capacity) to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name'. Here we have the 'How'.
I share my idea with the others of the group that I was sent here to help. The idea, to minister to the people outside of the fellowship, in the same way that the Mauritian fellowship was ministered to by my Pastor from CC Myrtle Beach. Thanking all of those members from Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach that were willing to come and serve. We are now all waiting for the results. Now you know how to pray.
I ask for a meeting to discuss my idea with the members I was sent to the Island to further assist. As I was extended the right hand of fellowship- I went to work. (Galatians 2:9)
As I fulfill my responsibilities as a father, I also search out how my plan that I have presented to the LORD will come through (Prov. 16:9)
Frederick and I just before I SLAP HIM IN THE FOOT with a blessing and then tell him that, 'It Wasn't For Free'
FREDERICK is the son of Paulette, a congregant that comes to the fellowship that I was sent here to help. He had just gone through a surgery on his foot due to an accident in the kitchen as he was working- Frederick is a 'Chef' by occupation...(Lucky Me).
AS the Lord put Frederick on my heart, I went to pay him a visit at his home when he arrived from the hospital. What I saw was that Frederick had some discomfort with his foot. As he lay on his bed. He was attempting to alleviate his pain by elevating his foot with a FLAT pillow.
INSTEAD of looking for the dramatic, which would be to hold a ceremony to pray for the healing of his foot. The Lord put something else on my heart....So I did it.
The idea was simple...First, I need to elevate that foot. The plan needed a few items.
I ask Frederick a couple of questions- 'Frederick, You Don't Mind If I Drill A Nice Hole In Your Freshly Painted Newly White Ceiling, Do You??'
As I install a wall anchor into their ceiling, I notice everyone was looking at me- I had to smile just to let them think that I knew what I was doing... (Psalm 46:1)
How about this freshly painted newly white wall....You Don't Mind If I Drill A Few Holes In That Do You??
After the drilling was done. It was time to assemble the pieces for Project: 'Blessed By The Foot'
Now that's what we call elevated, where I'm from.
FREDERICK and family were very happy and content with what was done. Now he can watch TV much more comfortably....Wait a minute, that wasn't the point. NOW WHAT ?
AS I was connecting all the pieces for Project: 'Blessed By The Foot', did I notice some electrical work that needed to be done....So I did it.
This plug receptacle was so old, not even the owners of the house could give me a date of how old it was. Time for an upgrade.
This updated double receptacle will do the trick. All I have to do is run new wires to it and connect it all up. Sounds easy enough.
Running the new wires for the outlet connection first starts by drilling holes into the concrete wall, about 7 inches apart all the way to the power source.
Frederick's sister Ketty has two sons. This is the oldest one Shawn, helping me along with their uncle Joe.
(For you were bought at a price; Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's- 1Cor.6:20)
SINCE this time, Frederick has come to church after two years of my inviting him. He attends my home Bible Study- and will allow me to come to his house for an extra study from the Word of God.
THIS is what I believe Pastor Ron always meant when he would tell me to 'Pay Attention'. I am finding true that the Island of Mauritius is tired of 'Hearing' the name of Jesus. They need to see something that they have not seen before. To 'Talk' about Jesus Christ without demonstration of why He willingly submitted to the Father's will to pay for all of us with His blood, is that exactly....TALK.
'But Someone Will Say,"You Have Faith And I Have Works." Show Me Your Faith Without Your Works, And I Will Show You My Faith By My Works.' (James 2:18)
THANK you again for your input and comments. It is good to see that you are wanting to know what God is doing with the Outreach of Calvary Chapel, Myrtle Beach. to the Island of Mauritius.
I am also glad to see that you have a desire to get involved. Remember that our greatest weapon is 'PRAYER'. Please keep us as a church and also individually in your personal time of prayer....We need it.
WE are excited to continue to pray for you of Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; Calvary Chapel Florence, South Carolina, AND Calvary Chapel Bangor, Maine.
-May The LORD Bless You By HIS Grace-
FREDERICK is the son of Paulette, a congregant that comes to the fellowship that I was sent here to help. He had just gone through a surgery on his foot due to an accident in the kitchen as he was working- Frederick is a 'Chef' by occupation...(Lucky Me).
AS the Lord put Frederick on my heart, I went to pay him a visit at his home when he arrived from the hospital. What I saw was that Frederick had some discomfort with his foot. As he lay on his bed. He was attempting to alleviate his pain by elevating his foot with a FLAT pillow.
INSTEAD of looking for the dramatic, which would be to hold a ceremony to pray for the healing of his foot. The Lord put something else on my heart....So I did it.
The idea was simple...First, I need to elevate that foot. The plan needed a few items.
I ask Frederick a couple of questions- 'Frederick, You Don't Mind If I Drill A Nice Hole In Your Freshly Painted Newly White Ceiling, Do You??'
As I install a wall anchor into their ceiling, I notice everyone was looking at me- I had to smile just to let them think that I knew what I was doing... (Psalm 46:1)
How about this freshly painted newly white wall....You Don't Mind If I Drill A Few Holes In That Do You??
After the drilling was done. It was time to assemble the pieces for Project: 'Blessed By The Foot'
Now that's what we call elevated, where I'm from.
FREDERICK and family were very happy and content with what was done. Now he can watch TV much more comfortably....Wait a minute, that wasn't the point. NOW WHAT ?
AS I was connecting all the pieces for Project: 'Blessed By The Foot', did I notice some electrical work that needed to be done....So I did it.
This plug receptacle was so old, not even the owners of the house could give me a date of how old it was. Time for an upgrade.
This updated double receptacle will do the trick. All I have to do is run new wires to it and connect it all up. Sounds easy enough.
Running the new wires for the outlet connection first starts by drilling holes into the concrete wall, about 7 inches apart all the way to the power source.
Frederick's sister Ketty has two sons. This is the oldest one Shawn, helping me along with their uncle Joe.
Now that Frederick was comfortable and his heart was thankful. He was ready to listen to what I came all the way from the United States to tell him.
(For you were bought at a price; Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's- 1Cor.6:20)
SINCE this time, Frederick has come to church after two years of my inviting him. He attends my home Bible Study- and will allow me to come to his house for an extra study from the Word of God.
THIS is what I believe Pastor Ron always meant when he would tell me to 'Pay Attention'. I am finding true that the Island of Mauritius is tired of 'Hearing' the name of Jesus. They need to see something that they have not seen before. To 'Talk' about Jesus Christ without demonstration of why He willingly submitted to the Father's will to pay for all of us with His blood, is that exactly....TALK.
'But Someone Will Say,"You Have Faith And I Have Works." Show Me Your Faith Without Your Works, And I Will Show You My Faith By My Works.' (James 2:18)
THANK you again for your input and comments. It is good to see that you are wanting to know what God is doing with the Outreach of Calvary Chapel, Myrtle Beach. to the Island of Mauritius.
I am also glad to see that you have a desire to get involved. Remember that our greatest weapon is 'PRAYER'. Please keep us as a church and also individually in your personal time of prayer....We need it.
WE are excited to continue to pray for you of Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; Calvary Chapel Florence, South Carolina, AND Calvary Chapel Bangor, Maine.
-May The LORD Bless You By HIS Grace-
Rakhel Valerie Pimentel is now 6 months old- She loves worship music and to say PAPA. |