Friday, April 22, 2016


     THOUGH the change of season is much more noticeable on the East Coast of South Carolina. Even in Maine you will have at least a change of season that one can say, 'Hey, It's A Little Different Out Here Today'. 

     HERE on the Island, for me anyway- It's Summer Time All The Time. After church one Sunday morning, we took Rakhel to the coast. Since she had been doing so well developing from birth- Sitting, Crawling, Yelling, almost Talking, almost Walking. I said to the girls, 'Hey Girls, Lets See If She Can Swim'.

I tell Rakhel not to worry...'Just Hold Your Breath Until You Come To The Top'
     OUR coast is different than that of the East Coast of the States. the water however, is pretty much the same all over the world. When you get in, it then becomes a matter of SINK or SWIM.

    Rakhel does have the frame of a natural gymnast. I am sure that she will be swimming in no time                                                  


Rakhel was a bit nervous at first. she was not quite sure about the water.


Before throwing her in. I reassured  her that all she had to do was paddle with her hands and feet

As Virginie comes to save the day for Rakhel to try again another day. Rakhel was most grateful.

Rakhel looked at me with a stare that said, 'Try It Again, Go Ahead- Make My Day'

      THIS was a little something from a little something. As we are growing together as a family I am finding out that there will be a first time for everything. Of course even two and a half years later with a new life on the Island is this the case.

     I thank you again for all your prayers and comments. As per your comments, please know that I do receive them though I do not reply. It would seem that the Blog Site offers only in bound comments without the option to reply. We do enjoy them- Thanks Again.

     OUR prayers continue going to your direction:

Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach, SC
Calvary Chapel Florence, SC
Calvary Chapel Bangor, ME

            - May The LORD Bless You By HIS Grace -


Friday, April 8, 2016

                                  - AFTER GLOW -


     FOR the past few months, I have been reading from 'The Collection of Spurgeon's Sermons'. He would take one verse from the Word of GOD and expound on it for pages and pages of insightful text. I love to journey in my mind to the time and setting of when the Holy Spirit would lift the spirit of C.H. Spurgeon to the height of confidence that was needed for this preacher to deliver the Word of GOD to the people.

     SOMETIMES it would almost feel like I was in the congregation wearing the same elegant clothing. As we would all be dealing with the heat from sitting or standing, pressed one upon the other. Listening with our guarded hearts to a message specifically appointed by the LORD Himself. To be delivered to no other audience but for the very one it was intended. Breaking and molding this same heart, that we might know HIM more. After all, as a mentor of mine would always say- 'It's all about HIM'. 

     THEN, my reading time comes to a stop. I return to the present time, 160 years later. I go to the LORD in prayer and ask HIM. 'LORD, I don't want to copy paste anything'. 'Give me something fresh for the people'.

     IF I want to hear from GOD, I will have to go to GOD. With this notion on my heart, I presented my idea for a time that leadership could take to seek GOD together, on the premise of how we could reach the people of the Island. I offered the setting to be in our home- Once every three months. It would be an 'AFTER GLOW'. The arrangement would be simple enough. We would fast for a time before the meet. A time of Worship would prepare our hearts. We would then have a sharing of the Word as it would pertain to a set theme. 

     OUR first time together was a hit. Everyone fasted and came with an open heart to be lead by GOD. The time of the year was September 2015. Our theme was appropriately marked as- 'The Upper Room'- along with a reading from the book of Acts chapter one. I say 'appropriately', because I happen to live on the top floor of the apartment building.  




Our first meeting together for the 'After Glow' 









                                       OUR second meet together happened in December 2015. Some (unfortunately not all) fasted and prepared themselves for the meet. The theme was 'Still Small Voice'- With the sharing of the Word from 1Kings 19:7-14 and also 1Sam 3:1-19.


  For our second meet- I was able to get a few lights that looked like little candles. They did help the ambiance a bit. I, myself was getting clarity as for what the LORD had for me to do.



      OUR third time meeting together was for me, the best one yet. It took place this past March 2016. The theme was 'The Passover'. The moment was to reflect that Jesus Christ is our Passover. We would have no gifts available to us as Christians without this moment in history- Therefore, we would be able to do nothing in terms of reaching the people of the island without this understanding- (very sad, no one outside me family came prepared) ...'Nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done'... (Luke 22:42b).

     I was blessed to discover that the Passover marked the first month of the sacred year for the Hebrew people- The month of 'Nisan'. Which would fall on our corresponding month of March-April. Now How About That! Needless to say our shared reading was from the book of Exodus 12:1-14.

     ONE more exciting note to share with you. As I am reading through 'The Gospel of JOHN' with my family, we just finished going over chapter 13 two days before. Where Jesus and His disciples prepared for the Passover. Very exciting to see the timing of GOD as you go through His Word. 

 Here we are for the Gospel of JOHN- Demonstrating our first upgrade!- An HDMI cable so that we could have I-Worship before our study.

A few neighbors would come and fellowship for the Study Through The Gospel of JOHN

I met this young man of my apartment complex while helping during a clean up project that the neighborhood did. I did not know his name at this time. However, I knew GOD had a plan.

Months later, as the LORD would have it. Here we have Jean-Noel with his son Cedric. Coming for the Gospel of JOHN. They live in the apartment block next door

     NOW back to our 'Passover' theme. As I mentioned earlier. For me, this was the most exciting meet yet. To watch the LORD move in our lives as we are going through His Word. I did all that I could to make the most of it. 

To make things authentic- Red Lights were placed instead of actual Lambs Blood.


At night, the effect of the lights made it seem as if the door was on fire- YEAH !


 I added some more lights which gave it a nice, calm feeling


This was done for me during my time with Calvary Chapel Bangor, Maine- Upon going through the Gospel of JOHN chapter 13.

Here we have Jotham. He is the son of Roy and Roshni, as he watches his sister taking part in a biblical example.

This is Elhanna with her mother Roshni, experiencing what Jesus did for His disciples. Her father Roy, also just finished reading JOHN 13 with his children at home. So she understood what was happening.

 Manu could not wait for his turn as Rakhel and Olivier cheer him on

      I enjoyed sharing with you a little more of how we are preparing ourselves for GOD to use us here on the Island of Mauritius. I am trusting that 'Still Small Voice' which guided me to the Island of Mauritius.

     AS His Word continues to direct my steps may you be encouraged to have His Holy Spirit do the same for you. The Body of CHRIST is dependent of it.

     WE pray, without fail for you of:  

Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Calvary Chapel Florence, South Carolina
Calvary Chapel Bangor, Maine

...and also for all those brothers and sisters of the 'BODY of CHRIST' around the world.

   - May The LORD Bless You By HIS Grace -

Rakhel Valerie Pimentel is now eight months old and she is almost ready to walk to you- All by herself.