Thursday, February 18, 2016


                                 - OVER THE EDGE -

Since Virginie started to go back to her teaching job. Super Papa needs energy....Spiritual Energy, to start the day.

     HERE is a little something I used to help fix a water pipe problem outside my apartment. By the way, I live on the top floor which is about 45 feet from the ground. I needed to find a way to do the job. So I asked around the neighborhood, if they knew anyone that could help with an idea on how to correct my water pipe issue. One brilliant neighbor gave me the best way....'Climb Over The Top'.

Due to the size of the building- This is the top section of my apartment building. We have two more sections below like these two.

My neighbor says to me, with a smile- 'Here, Put This On....You're Gonna Need It'. So knowing me, I did it...With a smile.

Here is Edley and I on the roof of the building as I prepare to go 'Over The Edge'- (story of my life)

This ledge is a foot and a half off the wall, and about 40 foot up (good English, huh). I added an extension to a small 3/4" water drain pipe. As I held on with one hand....To The Toilet Pipe !

     EDLEY is unique. His English is perfect and his character compliments that of an educated Englishman (colorful metaphors included). His idea to go over the top of the building was so well presented to me, I was not sure for about 30 seconds whether I was crazy or he was crazy. After which time upon looking at each other like two squirrels over an acorn- I smiled and said....'You're serious'. His reply with his strong English accent, 'Of Course'.

     SO we did it together. Edley was the brains of the operation which left me to be the 'Acorn'. Everything was looking and working, just like we talked about....Until I stepped 'Over The Edge'. Something happened- A fear suddenly gripped me. Everything looked so different from this angle of perception. 

     AS I was holding on to the ladder, I looked down at the parking lot, only to see a BMW with a giant sticker of the Grim Reaper on the hood.....WHAAAAT !- You tell me, who puts a sticker of the Grim Reaper on a BMW ! I knew that I was going to lose all capability to move if I continued.

     ANYWAY- I climbed back over the top. I called Edley over to me and said, 'Let's Pray'. My prayer was easy- 2 Timothy 1:7- 'Father, You as GOD have not given those that have accepted you to be their GOD with a spirit of Fear, but of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind'- I pray in the name of your Son Jesus, Amen.'  After which I went back 'Over The Edge' and completed the job.  

We have here a hearty breakfast delivered from the States. You will be surprised what you will miss when it's gone. Thank You Again!

     I have another neighbor whom I was wanting to meet. She had been working on this garden that she planted for about 15 years. Then she took a vacation to England for 3 months. Estimating when she would return, I set up a time that Virginie, my mother-in law, and I could help my neighbors daughter clean up the garden before her mother returned from her trip to England.

     THE whole idea of helping someone to work has very little to do with getting the job done. It is all about giving them a chance to get to know you. I have learned with my experience on the work field, you can learn a lot about a person by the way they work. As I applied what James 1:19 has to tell us- "Speak Little...." I'm still working on that. 

Here we have a picture of our 'Garden Clean-up Project'

With Virginie in the background, we have Sonia and Edley- Edley says that he cannot remember the last time that he said a prayer before earlier this morning.

Virginie and I decided to bless Rakhel before Christmas, with this walker that we found- Look at that face. She was so happy.

I quickly noticed the face expression Rakhel had when she was used to her walker- Just like her father...."When That Light Turns Green, I Am Gone".

 After a long day of playing Spiderman and cleaning the Garden- Virginie had a great idea...'Who Says New Parents Don't Know How To Relax'

     THANK you for your comments. We pray that you are always challenging each other to read the Word of GOD- As a group as well as individually. I feel very big to say that Virginie has read the Bible completely through, from Genesis to Revelation. She is now on her way for the second round. She loves the Proverbs and hopes all women will learn to trust the Lord as they would make the Proverbs their daily devotion time with the Lord.

    - May The LORD Bless You By HIS Grace -


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